Hi beautiful girl,
I wanted to write you a letter to let you know what is going on in the "outside" world as you prepare to enter into it in a few days.
First of all, everyone is anxiously awaiting your birth! I'm receiving emails, texts, facebook messages and phone calls almost every day from handfuls of friends and family asking if you have arrived yet. Can you believe how popular you already are? Hey and by the way... your MOM is having an extremely difficult time remaining patient for your arrival. A lot of this impatience is being created from the discomfort of pregnancy. But there is also a lot of impatience occurring because I want to see you! Almost everyday over the past 9 months, I have wondered what you would be like, what you would look like, and what your personality is going to be like. While I can make some guesses based on my own genetics and your father's, I'm still super curious! So anytime you want to say hi in the "outside" world, I'm awaiting your arrival with open arms.
There are some people that are here in your house that I should probably introduce you to because they will indefinitely be in your life more days than not. There is also your amazing Heavenly Father, who I can't wait to teach you about. He is brilliantly and masterfully knitting you together in my womb. He knows every hair on your pretty little head, and He will never leave or forsake you. He also will love you unconditionally! How fantastic is that? You will never be alone and will always be loved!
In addition to your Heavenly Father, you have a really cool earthly father. His name is Beau. When you see him, you will probably be taken back by his size. He is one muscular and handsome dude! But don't be afraid, because no matter how big his muscles get, his heart is as soft and loving as you will ever experience. He will sacrifice his own life without any hesitation to protect you and make sure you are taken care of. He also can't wait for you to grow up a bit so he can teach you about this "outside" world. This might involve fishing and camping trips, as well as simply jumping in his big ol' truck with your dogs and driving up to the local mountains. Bella, I can't even begin to tell you how lucky you are to have him as your dad. You will always be loved and protected by him. And he is already proud of you.
You also have some really cool grandparents who have already started to spoil you. While your dad's parents live far away, they are going to do everything they can to visit you as much as possible. You dad's mom is colorful, creative and passionate. She has been here over the past week or two helping get your bedroom ready so you feel warm and safe. She is looking forward to teaching you about gardening and designing as well! Your dad's dad and his wife can't wait to meet you in a few months! It kills them to not live closer, but you will talk with them on a regular basis and feel loved by them no matter how many miles separate you. They will probably teach you a lot about the Bible as well as cooking...two things you can't live without! On my side, you are going to learn about medicine and sports from my dad. He is undoubtedly going to teach you how to throw a curveball and shoot a free throw. And just like your daddy, despite his size, he is quite the softy...so get ready to be loved a lot! My mom already has fallen in love with you and will probably be involved throughout most of your life. She has a bit of a problem preventing herself from buying you gifts, but I can't seem to stop her! She also can't wait to teach you about being a Christian woman, a great friend and an amazing wife.
The other three living "things" in this house are your uncle A.J. and your two dogs, Chick and Dude. A.J. is in charge of teaching you about movies and music. He is insanely brilliant as well, so I'm excited for you to learn about the world through his eyes. Your dogs, who are so smart that they are more like humans, will protect you from any harm and swim with you for hours in our pool.
Oh and to describe your mom a bit, you know, the person you have been growing inside for the past 9 months...My new found purpose in life is to love, protect and provide for you. I promise you that you will never feel unloved or alone. I can't wait to teach you about friendships, family and surviving day to day life. Yes, I'll screw up on occassion, but I promise you, that I will constantly strive to be better by you and learn how be the mom you need me to be.
Alrighty beautiful girl, as you can see, you are coming into an "outside" world full of people who already love you and can't wait to teach you the best of life's lessons. I'll see you soon!